Well Child Center has partnered with Advocate Sherman Hospital to offer Childbirth Education classes. These classes are taught in 4-week sessions by certified instructors every month. Expectant mothers are provided with instruction and support to help navigate pregnancy through the postpartum period.
The class schedule is as follows:
Tuesdays 5:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.
Week 1 – Labor & Delivery, Pre-Eclampsia, Diabetes and Pre-term Labor
Week 2 – Epidurals, Cesarean Section and Post-partum Depression
Week 3 – Breastfeeding: Latching, Positions and Practice
Week 4 – Newborn care: Diapering, Holding, Bathing and Nutrition
Normally you would pay $125 to take similar classes at the hospital, but our programmimg is free to WIC participants. Additionally, an infant car seat will be raffled at the end of each class series!
We are proud of our collaboration with Advocate Sherman Hospital to create an innovative curriculum to motive expecting mothers to breastfeed. The benefits of breastfeeding are abundant! Therefore, we are happy to share our knowledge and support mothers through their breastfeeding journey.
The class outcomes are undeniable for the 565 pregnant women who have attended:
- 97% of mother attendees initiate breastfeeding at birth
- 77% of mothers continue to breastfeed at 6 weeks
- 64% of mothers continue to breastfeed at 12 weeks
- 35% of mothers continue to breastfeed at 6 months
- 26% of mothers continue to breastfeed at 12 months
If you or someone you know are interested in attending the Advocate Sherman Hospital and Well Child Center Childbirth Education classes, please call:
Well Child Center at (847) 741-7370 or
Chayo at (630) 391-0001