“What have you heard about pumping your breastmilk when you return to work?”
We ask this question every day at the WIC clinic. I share with interested clients that I pumped breastmilk for two of my three kids and encourage them to continue to breastfeed while working as well.
I cried a lot when I realized that I wasn’t going to get the same time at home with my youngest child as I did with my first born. My boss was great at allowing me to work three-hour shifts and have hour long lunch breaks. All it took was a few bites of food and a few pages into Harry Potter to help me relax and have a letdown of milk. I would pump right before leaving for work and feed my daughter first thing when I got home. With my youngest, the daycare would let me come in and feed my son before packing him up for the ride home.
The Kane County Breastfeeding Coalition has encouraged local employers to help moms achieve their breastfeeding goals. They understand when baby drinks mom’s milk for a longer length of time, the child is healthier in later years. For the boss, this means an employee calling in sick less often to stay home to care for a feverish little one. Watch for the Coalition’s recognition during World Breastfeeding Week (August 1st-August 7th), so you can support breastfeeding friendly businesses.
Some people are unaware insurance companies will cover the cost of a breast pump. Save your baby shower dollars for the diapers!
About April Swain
April has worked at Well Child Center throughout three maternity leaves since 2006. She graduated from Illinois State University and is a passionate IBCLC. She is also a member of McQueen Station Farm, a co-op in Elgin, IL.